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Oak Tree School provides a safe and happy learning environment for young learners with an Autism Spectrum Condition diagnosis and associated complex needs.  The school opened in September 2023 to children in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 7.  There will be a phased opening of the other year groups which will open year on year until the school is full.  At capacity, the school will provide places for 150 learners from Year 1 to Year 13. 

Maiden Erlegh Trust, as the admissions authority of Oak Tree School, must comply with its SEN duties, these are set out in legislation and in the SEND Code of Practice. Where the local authority has carried out a statutory assessment and decided to issue an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), it will issue a draft plan to parents. Parents can request the local authority to name their preferred choice of school in their child’s EHCP. However, the final decision on the school to be named rests with the local authority responsible for maintaining the plan.

Our statement of provision and admissions criteria can be found below.

To contact a member of our admissions team, please email: