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Staff Wellbeing Charter

At Maiden Erlegh Trust we support staff wellbeing in two main ways:


1. A fair and reasonable workload which will be ensured by:
  • High quality schemes of work in every department that are produced and shared by curriculum teams.
  • Department-specific feedback protocols which state what will be marked, how feedback is provided, and how it is used to ensure it has an impact on learning.
  • A robust calendar, which allows all staff to plan ahead for reporting, parents evenings, open evening etc.
  • Events which provide an opportunity for staff to celebrate the wider school in events.
  • Calendared data collection points, with additional information requested rarely and only where it will have a direct impact on progress, behaviour or safeguarding.
  • Policies and processes that are reviewed regularly and refined to take into consideration the impact on workload and impact on learning and progress.
  • Support staff delivering key responsibilities within contracted time
  • Senior leaders and middle leaders exercising their duty of care to employees with regard to wellbeing.
  • Support of adaptive and innovative ideas from all staff, with a clear route to share best practice through SLG and the professional development programme.
  • A commitment from all staff to support Wellbeing Etiquette.
2. High quality training and professional development opportunities that meet the needs of individual members of staff by:
  • Providing an annual CPD booklet, to allow all staff to plan their CPD across the academic year.
  • Ensuring staff are well trained and appropriately qualified.
  • Enabling staff to access Professional Learning programmes linked to different stages of career progression and interests.
  • Supporting practice and pedagogical development through accessing peer coaching.
  • Providing leadership development opportunities for staff at all stages in their careers. 
  • Affording opportunities for growth and development through internal promotions and opportunities.
  • Promoting collaboration through PiXL membership and local subject/institution networks.
  • Mentoring of ITT, OTT and NQT colleagues
  • Supporting staff other than teachers, including TAs, in progressing to qualified teacher status where they choose do to so. 

This charter was drawn up by the Wellbeing Innovation Group.  The Wellbeing Group at Maiden Erlegh Trust continues to develop and run each academic year. Reviewing the key wellbeing priorities identified in the annual staff surveys.